
Valerie Vasquez Valerie Vasquez

Seeking the path…

I don’t have many regrets in life.

I did what I believe was right. I sought to honor God and I loved my neighbors. I prioritized experience over comfort and have been to more places than I care to keep track of. (I’d have gotten one of those color-in world maps if I’d had room for it.)

I’ve solo traveled, group traveled, learned languages, acquired random skills (anyone need help getting off an island in a blizzard?), and made deep friendships with once-strangers. I’ve made mistakes, learned the hard way, and grown in ways I might not have known, if not for this wonderful adventure of a life.

Now I’m in a funny place of transition- on a one-way mountain road, following directions scribbled on the back of a menu, with no clue of what I’ll find when I get there.

Like an expanse of fog creeping up and over rolling mountains onto the road I’m traveling on; my view is shifting from the landscape to the short distance in front of me, as I try to focus on what little I can do. (Aka: not crash.)

I’m waiting- hoping for a sunrise to evaporate the fog, or for some space to pull off on the side of the road and rest a while. Unfortunately life doesn’t always provide us with such luxuries.

I don’t know the name of the road I’m on, but I’ll do what I can.

I’ll try and I’ll seek, in whatever way I know how.

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